29 July 2009

- Fwd: Because u believe its a good world still while we feel the pain of it theres still cant be real
America's Unknown Child. (ren). those faces should haunt anyone's dreams. a dead child should hurt everyone's heart.

24 July 2009

the room is silent. we all look around. it has been spoken of. Citizen Toxie.
the room is silent. we all look around. it has been spoken of. Edward Penis Hands.
to the woman screaming at the cars on main street. wtf?

17 July 2009

the dragon tats on your forearms are a constant reminder to the rest of the world that you are not someone to mess with, for reasons other than your bad assness
lime shirt. 2 hrs in produce and you leave with a pizza without the number of the girl you attempted to chat up.
does not understand the masculine aspect of wearing a shirt that allows your nipples to be visible.
in addition, one can easily judge a person by the lack of visible shorts bottoms under a hoodie when they are wearing uggs.
one of the easiest ways to judge people is by the beer pyjama pants they opt to put on.
a 40yo women has a herd of teenage girls out this time of night. she's been defeated for a while. they seem to think this is cool. it's 2am.
you have the weathered skin of a woman twice your age and the ability to proces complex mental problems as well as a fruit fly.

10 July 2009

your bordom and horniness is seen by everyone but the one you are speaking with. he's much to intp hiis conversation to notice.

09 July 2009

instead of the usual I was deeply caught up in the semi-attractive profile that was in front of me.

07 July 2009

it's been a while since I've seen anyone cry like that in public. I'd be lying if I said that it would get better. it won't. but you'll learn to live with it.
Roider, you are many of the things that I will never understand about people. at all. how can you kick people out of their own table?
it's odd. I look around today and I see people filled with love. maybe it's a greater reflection on my own views.
oompa lumpa. no one can take you seriously, except for him, and that is only because he likes thinking you aren't white from behind.

01 July 2009

red bandana. you say you are the real deal, this is who you are. you've said that since you were 9 in pennys. this "Punk" preppy is unbecoming.
you and your father sit and eat a meal that provides a mutual bonding
experience. you have thousands of things you feel need to be brought to
his attention. he feels the same. yet neither of you can break away
from the stereotypes that bind. instead of gaining any ground you sit
and eat your baconators in near silence. a battle was lost today. it
will be revisited many times.

you walk around like a zombie in that uniform, like you are too good for
that job you landed yourself flipping burgers. you may be. but you
also dropped out of high school, at least that's what you tell people to
gain rep. you are just a 16 year old girl, a cookie cutter girl like
everyone else your age.

you are sitting alone in a grand room, staring aimlessly at your coffee
lid. you hate your job. you aren't qualified for it. you hate your
boss. she doesn't really like you either. to be frank she doesn't like
it here. and you have never left, nor will you ever leave, and you feel
this is the best place on the planet.